2024-10-12 The Art and Advantages of Nucleated PearlsPearls have long been cherished for their beauty and elegance, but not all pearls are created equal. Nucleated pearls, in particular, stand out for their unique cultivation process and remarkable qualities. In this blog, we’ll explore how nucleated pearls ar
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2024-10-12 How do pearls formed from an oyster? It is truly a very interesting question. Unlike most precious gems are formed in the ground, surrounded by rocks, Pearls are the only gemstone created inside a living creature. Actually pearls can be created from oysters, clams and mussels.
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2024-10-11 Daking Jewelry, a famous jewelry brand, successfully took part in the Hong Kong International Jewelry Fair in June 2024. During this fair, Daking Jewelry not only showed off its unique design ideas and excellent craftsmanship, but also caught the attention of exhibitors and buyers
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2023-03-01 For thousands of years, as precious jewelry, pearls have been loved by women who love beauty, and enjoy the reputation of "jewelry queen" in the jewelry world. In recent decades, with the maturity of pearl breeding technology, has the output of pearls increased steadily? In the past, pearls that wer
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2023-02-21 China, as the largest pearl producer in the world, our country has developed the world's top freshwater pearl and the only freshwater pearl comparable to seawater pearl - Edison pearl. The successful launch of Edison's pearl in 2011 shocked the world's jewelry industry like an earthquake and created
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